Top 10 Metal Albums of 2023... as voted by VIEWERS!

Top 10 Metal Albums of 2023... as voted by VIEWERS!

Friends! Metal Pilgrims around the world voted for the Best Metal Albums of 2023. So here is the Top 10 list selected by YOU, channel viewers:

#10 Hellripper - Warlocks Grim and Withered Hags

Hellripper - Warlocks Grim and Withered Hags

#9 Burning Witches - The Dark Tower

Burning Witches - The Dark Tower

#8 Within Temptation - Bleed Out

Within Temptation - Bleed Out

#7 Avenged Sevenfold - Life Is but a Dream

#6 Overkill - Scorched

Overkill - Scorched

#5 Cattle Decapitation - Terrasite

Cattle Decapitation - Terrasite

#4 In Flames - Foregone

In Flames - Foregone

#3 Orbit Culture - Descent

Orbit Culture - Descent

#2 KK's Priest - The Sinner Rides Again

KK's Priest - The Sinner Rides Again

#1 Metallica - 72 Seasons

Metallica - 72 Seasons

Thank you to thousands of viewers who voted and to all the bands for producing so many amazing albums this year! You made 2023 a little bit better!🤘

And here are the standings with more numbers to better understand how the voting went:

Watch the full video about it on the channel:

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